
Kollegenlob von Gary Gladstone

garybookGary Gladstone, der große amerikanische Corporate Photographer, war eine wichtige Person in meinem Leben und in meiner beruflichen Selbstfindung. Sein Buch „Corporate &  location Photography“ hat mir u.a. den Weg gewiesen, der mich in die spannende Welt der Unternehmens-, Technologie- und Industriefotografie geführt hat.

Vor einiger Zeit hatte ich das Bedürfnis, mich bei ihm für seine Hilfestellung und  seine Fingerzeige zu bedanken. Er hat mir kurz darauf geantwortet und hat ein paar Worte für meine und unsere Arbeit gefunden, über die ich mich ganz besonders gefreut habe:


Dear Christian

After over 40 years of producing high-end corporate imagery for FORTUNE 500 companies in the USA I recently reviewed a portfolio of the work of Ahrens+Steinbach and began smiling. It was a pleasure to see such elegance and power in photos that were all made at locations that usually don’t offer settings for such visual poetry.

You have mastered the art of making workers appear focused and deeply engaged in their job. Usually, working subjects In photographs look self-conscious and not truly busy. It takes a fine eye and talented direction to make them look like they’re really working hard.

Aviation, although sexy by its nature, is difficult to get down to the printed page. You’ve done masterful work with rich color and controlling the setting by using the lens as a „space-shifter.“

Rich colors, strong graphic elements and a lurking sense of humor are prized attributes in your work. I’m impressed.


Thank you very much, Gary!